What is beard alopecia ?
Beard alopecia can be defined as the condition that causes beard hair loss.
Beard alopecia is an autoimmune disease and a version of hair loss that affects men beard area. Beard hair loss due to beard alopecia usually occurs in small patches and could be really disturbing to physical appearance.
Men may notice one or more patches on the jaw or neck with fine hair or no hair at all.
Beard hair loss is a specific form of alopecia areata that affects the beard. Usually, it happens suddenly and you start losing beard hair in small circular bald patches.
What causes beard alopecia ?
Many men suffer from beard alopecia and there are many factors that are responsible for this phenomenon :
-Poor diet
-Chemical products
Beard alopecia is a particular form of circular hair loss.
How to treat beard alopecia ?
-Apply a beard massage to stimulate the hair follicles
-Wash your beard and exfoliate your face once a week
-Choose a diet that stimulates beard growth
-Increase your intake of vitamins A, C and E. Avoid harsh beard care products
-Reduce stress to promote beard growth
-Beard Transplant for beard hair Loss
The beard transplant procedure is performed on men who are suffering from hair loss on their beard and mustache.
It is important to know that the first step in treating alopecia barbae is early diagnosis. If you notice sparse patches or spots on your beard that are not growing, consult a doctor.