After the placement of your dental implants, you must follow all the recommendations given by your dental surgeon and have a good oral hygiene and avoid bad habits like smoking…so as to maintain your teeth healthy.
To manage pain after surgery
Feeling pain after your dental implants procedure is normal, but, it varies from one patient to another and depends on the number of implants that are placed.
Your dental surgeon will prescribe you painkillers to alleviate it.
So you may notice :
Bleeding which is normal, so place a dry compress over your gum line for about 30 minutes.
Swelling, you can apply an ice pack to the swollen area.
Fever may be noted and may be accompanied by edema. This is a natural organic reaction following an operation of this type.
Postoperative instructions
In order to limit the unpleasant after-effects of your dental implants procedure, your dental surgeon will advise you to :
Avoid smoking : to promote healing at the oral level, stopping smoking is strongly recommended.
Avoid sports : to facilitate healing, avoid sports activities for 7 to 21 days following your dental implants procedure.
Opt for a good oral hygiene : it is important to maintain a healthy mouth. So, don’t assault it with dental floss and other brushes. Moreover, in the 24 hours following the operation, avoid rinsing with mouthwash; it is generally recommended to dilute it in a little water.
Monitor your diet : in the days following the operation, it is advisable to limit hard foods. Opt for soft or even liquid foods in order to spare the area where the implant is located. Also, avoid eating and drinking hot food.
Do not eat on the dental implants for the first 3 months after the procedure. Early forces on the implants cause painless fibrosis which leads to implant failure.
Be careful with the sutures : whether by brushing or by eating, be careful not to put too much strain on the sutures.
Learning to smile with your new tooth
A few months after your dental implants’ placement, you will be able to smile again. Your implant has the appearance of a real tooth and your teeth are complete again, ready to show off without any embarrassment. Depending on the prosthesis that was placed on the implant, a period of adaptation is sometimes necessary. This is especially true for removable dentures, such as braces.
On the other hand, fixed prostheses such as crowns, bridges…will not cause any discomfort, except that you will have to get used to your new, healthy teeth.