Infrequent teeth brushing, smoking, the consumption of too much coffee or tea… are among the factors that can make the teeth yellow.
First of all, it is important to know that there are two types of dental staining: external and internal. internal staining is unique to the tooth, however, external staining is mainly related to our lifestyle habits (smoking, overconsumption of tea, coffee…).
Fortunately, there are solutions to restore whiter teeth and give them back their former brightness for a radiant smile :
Brush your teeth properly
It is very important to brush your teeth regularly and after each meal with a soft toothbrush to have white teeth as dental plaque which is a white and soft sticky coating is deposited on the teeth after each food intake and if it is not eliminated during brushing it will calcify, then become tartar which can only be removed by scaling, followed by polishing in a dental office.
Use an electric toothbrush
It is recommended to use an electric toothbrush, it will allow you to better erase these surface stains and those who use it will brush their teeth longer thanks to the timer.
Rinse your mouth after drinking coffee
You must also think about rinsing your mouth immediately with clear water after drinking coffee or tea.
The reaction of these hot drinks on the enamel is the same as the one you see in your mug. If you rinse it immediately, the stains inside will come off quickly, on the other hand, if you wait, you will have to scrub.
Opt for a teeth whitening
Teeth whitening allows you to obtain healthy and white teeth and thus get rid of teeth discolorations.
This technique works with a mouthpiece, a device that follows the shape of the teeth.
Inside of it, we apply a gel containing hydrogen peroxide which oxidizes the colored pigments of the teeth and therefore lightens them and which must be kept in the mouth for 3 to 6 hours daily, for about 15 days.
This product acts only on the natural tooth.