If you intend to opt for a breast augmentation, you probably have many questions before undergoing the procedure.
Some of the most common questions patients have are about the recovery process. In particular, many women wonder how to sleep after breast augmentation surgery without experiencing problems.
After breast augmentation with implants, it is quite normal to feel tired for a few days and being able to sleep regularly allows your body to recover.
In fact, during sleep, blood flow containing oxygen and vital nutrients is directed to the surgical area which helps the body’s tissues heal faster.
Sleeping on your back with your head elevated
It is recommended to sleep on your back for the first few weeks after your breast augmentation so as to avoid putting pressure on the breast implants.
Keeping your upper body elevated while you sleep will reduce swelling to help your new breasts heal faster.
This position also promotes mobility in the first few days after surgery as getting up from a fully reclined position requires more upper body strength which can lead to discomfort and even pain. During the recovery period, you will then exert less force on your arm, shoulder and chest muscles if you are already in a semi-upright position when you need to move.
Many people prefer to sleep on their sides at night. However, in the weeks following breast augmentation, this should be avoided as much as possible. The internal sutures used to close the incision for breast augmentation are very strong like the breast implants which would withstand much higher pressures than the body. Therefore, you do not risk to damage the result by accidentally rolling, but you may experience discomfort or even pain if you hold this position for too long.
We will provide you with a soft, comfortable surgical bra to place on the day of surgery that will serve to protect your breasts from excessive pressure.
In addition, some firm pillows placed along your body can help you stay positioned on your back with your arms comfortably padded throughout your sleep. Once you get the consent of your surgeon, you will be able to resume your normal sleeping positions while wearing a supportive bra.
Also, after three months, you can expect to sleep the way you want.
How can I prepare for sleeping on my back if I am not used to do it ?
Here are some tips to help you feel comfortable when resting on your back after surgery :
-Use pillows to keep your upper body upright
-Use a pillow under each arm to avoid rolling over while you sleep
-An extra pillow under your knees can relieve tension in your lower back
-Keep everything you need on hand : water, medication and snacks
-Let your body relax by avoiding alcohol, caffeine and sugar.