Tuesday, January 17, 2023, the influencer Jessica Thivenin confided to her followers that she was losing a lot of hair. So, in order to keep her pretty hair, the wife of Thibault Garcia uses cosmetic medicine. She explained what she was doing on Instagram.
Jessica Thivenin has never hidden that she was opting for plastic surgery and for a long time. Indeed, since she was a young girl, she is complexed by several parts of her body. Lately, she could not stand her reflection in the mirror.
Thus, she revealed on Instagram, on December 5, 2022 about her desire to have a facelift. « I think I’m going to have a facelift, clearly. A small, not a big thing », she announced.
« In my photos, it’s true that when I smile, I’m marked. » She added : « I do injections, I do botox, but in fact, it’s true that this sagging is on both sides, sometimes I erase it even with a photo application. I erase because it ruins my photos, it ruins my life. »
A loss of hair that worries her
Indeed, the wife of Thibault Garcia assumes everything she has done on her body. Following her revelations on her next facelift, she warned those who would try to tackle her : « You’ll tell me again plastic surgery yes, well I can afford it. I have this chance, so I correct all my defects that I do not like. I think I’m going to do it ». Now that’s clear.
Since she started in the reality show ten years ago at the time of Ch’tis, Jessica Thivenin did not have this appearance at all. She was totally transformed by plastic surgery. Moreover, she had drawn up a list of her changes and confessed that she had made remake her buttocks, her breasts, her nose, the features of her face, her mouth and her teeth : « I feel great. I’ve had lots of operations. Yes, it’s true, I did plastic surgery. I assume it, I have never hidden it ».
In addition, she revealed that she was losing her hair a lot and that in order not to become bald, she resorted to cosmetic medicine.