Eyes are the first thing wo notice on your facial appearance, they are the mirror of your soul and feelings.
They express what is hidden deep in your being.
What is keratopigmentation ?
It is a surgical method to change eye color quickly and safely.
It is practiced by eye surgeons who are specially trained in keratopigmentation. The procedure consists of using a laser to create a circular microtunnel in the cornea and inserting a pigment that covers the natural color of the eyes. There is no penetration of an intraocular foreign body or alteration of the iris.
Keratopigmentation price in Turkey
The price keratopigmentation Turkey is interesting as you will benefit from a high quality stay and be operated on by the best ophthalmologist surgeons in Turkey.
Ask for a free online quote to obtain keratopigmentation cost Turkey or contact us by phone if you need to have more details about this procedure or other plastic interventions.
Keratopigmentation : for whom ?
Restorative keratopigmentation is for people with aniridia (absence of iris) or traumatic iris.
Aesthetic keratopigmentation is for those who want to change the color of their eyes.
The procedure can be considered as soon as the eye has finished growing, generally from the age of 20.
Being beautiful and young today is no longer limited to breast augmentation, nose job surgery or buttock implants, but, it becomes possible to change the color of our eyes and treat them so as to feel more self confident and comfortable in our lives either socially or personally speaking.
How is it performed ?
Before your keratopigmentation performed in Turkey, the patient must have a consultation with the ophthalmologist surgeon so as to examine him carefully in order to check whether he can undergo it or not and this depending on his case.
Keratopigmentation lasts one hour.
It consists in the intracorneal injection of pigments after femtosecond laser tunnelling. The femtosecond laser is the same as the one used for refractive surgery. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia, by applying a few drops of an anesthetic eye drop to the eye, without any sting. The injected pigment covers the initial color of the eye.
What are its risks ?
This technique, even if it seems less invasive than the insertion of an iris prosthesis involves certain risks.
You can notice a benign inflammatory reaction that will disappear with time.
The gaze appears unnatural, even vitreous, because the tint is delivered in the plane of the cornea.
Keratopigmentation Turkey : its advantages ?
The advantages of keratopigmentation realized in Turkey are numerous:
Corneal incision (therefore superficial, compared to the location of the iris) which is non perforating.
Manual dissection (Creshent knife or spatula) or femtosecond laser. Simple placement of the pigment in the tunnel with a spatula or micromanipulator.
The paste-like consistency of the pigment avoids corneal suturing.
The color and opacity of the pigment allows to correct both the visual functional problem (product opaque to light) and the aesthetic aspect of the iris.
The after-effects are very simple, with practically no side effects.
This technique can be performed easily and on a sighted eye.
This procedure is effective and painless, it allows you to change the color of your eyes permanently.