Liver transplant in Turkey : Last resort for treating liver diseases

Le 23 février 2022

A liver transplant is a surgical procedure to remove a liver that is no longer functioning properly (liver failure) and replace it with a healthy liver from a deceased donor or with part of a healthy liver from a living donor.

In general, liver transplant in Turkey is reserved as a treatment option for people who have significant complications due to a chronic end-stage liver disease. Liver transplantation can also be a treatment option in rare cases of sudden failure of a previously healthy liver.

The number of people waiting for a liver transplant far exceeds the number of livers available from deceased donors.

Living donor liver transplantation is an alternative to waiting for an organ from a deceased donor. Living donor liver transplantation is possible because the human liver regenerates and returns to its normal size shortly after the surgical removal of the organ part. In Turkey, this option is highly recommended to minimize the lethality rate caused by waiting for a deceased donor.

In 2017, approximately 2000 liver transplants were performed in adults and children in Turkey. Of these, approximately 600 were performed from living donor livers. For organ transplantation treatment of hepatobiliary diseases in Turkey, Aram Clinic provides comprehensive management of liver, biliary tract and pancreatic diseases.

We have specific programs for the treatment of :

-Liver tumors

-Pancreatic tumors

-Hepatitis B and C


Anatomy of the liver

The liver is the largest internal organ and performs several essential functions, among them :

-Processes nutrients, drugs and hormones

-It produces bile which helps in the digestion of fats

-It stores glucose, vitamins and minerals resulting from digestion and which are brought to it by the blood of the hepatic portal vein. It releases them into the bloodstream when the body needs them

-It makes proteins that help the blood clot to stop bleeding in case of a cut or injury

-Eliminates bacteria and toxins from the blood

-It rids the blood of harmful elements such as drug residues and body waste.

Why and when to have a liver transplant ?

Liver transplant is a treatment option for people with liver failure whose condition can not be controlled by other treatments or for some people with liver cancer.

Liver failure can occur quickly or over a longer period of time. Liver failure that occurs quickly, within a few weeks, is called acute liver failure which is a rare condition that usually results from complications of certain medications.

Although liver transplantation can treat acute liver failure, it is more often used to treat chronic liver failure.

Chronic liver failure develops slowly, over months or years.

Some of the major causes of cirrhosis that lead to liver failure and liver transplantation in Turkey include:

-Hepatitis B and C

-Alcoholic liver disease which causes liver damage due to excessive alcohol consumption

-Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a disease in which fat accumulates in the liver and causes inflammation or cell damage

-Biliary atresia is the most common reason for liver transplant in children

-Liver transplant can also treat certain types of cancer that start in the liver.

Liver transplant in Turkey : Its cost

Ranking in the top 3 in organ and liver transplants from living donors, Turkey’s hospitals and clinics are a great asset for patients who need to transplant healthy liver tissue to survive. Moreover, the price of the operation is cheaper than in Europe or the United States. Ask for a free online quote to obtain all the details about liver transplant in Turkey : its price, payment methods, the steps of the treatment, information about the donor, …