Since always, in every era and in all cultures, beauty has been a concern for men and women.
As in traditional medicine, the notion of preventing and slowing down the aging process is one of the essential concerns in aesthetics. It allows for a more natural glow and a smoother, more harmonious aging process.
Of course, basic prevention advice is essential : healthy eating, sports activities and good tissue hydration.
However, today they are complemented by effective treatments as soon as the first signs of aging appear. They provide better hydration and proper maintenance of tissues and allow good quality cell renewal.
Surgical techniques also make it easier to correct certain embarrassing defects and to bring fulfillment and well-being with light after-effects and a short social return.
The process
Patients often ask the question « When and how do we start ? »
In aesthetic medicine, the answer is simple and adapted to each patient because each one has a different biology and a different perception of his/her image.
For young patients between 20 and 40 years old, prevention will be the main focus of the treatment, while more mature patients will also ask for a real improvement of their aging process.
Even if plastic surgery has become more accessible, it is still an important surgical procedure.
It is advisable to be well informed before taking this decision. An operation is not decided overnight. It is the result of a long reflection.
Do not hesitate to gather opinions and information and to get in touch with someone who has already undergone surgery. These precious testimonies will help you in your decision.
Don’t hesitate to talk to a competent plastic surgeon who will advise you and help you understand the steps of the operation. He or she will give you information about the benefits and risks specific to the procedure. It is necessary to obtain and understand all the information about the procedure before you undergo it which will also allow you to project yourself on the result you can expect.
The exchange with an experienced practitioner will very often be the key in your decision. It will allow you to put forward your motivations but also to obtain an answer to all your questions : the pain, the price of the operation, the recovery period, the expected result…
So, you need 4 things to decide :
-To have thought about it and to be sure that the surgery will allow you to reach the desired goal.
-To find your surgeon, the one you trust, you feel comfortable with, who understands you and will do everything possible to achieve the result.
-To find the right date for the operation which will allow you to have it in the best conditions : work, family life, travel plans, sports etc…
-The good management of the operating budget.
An operation is then possible if these 4 conditions are met.