Seniors and plastic surgery

Le 12 octobre 2021

Anti-aging treatments, facelifts, eyelid surgery, liposuction, breast implants, rhinoplasty, the demand for plastic surgery is constantly increasing and this as early as adolescence. However, seniors also wish to take advantage of this magical tool to look younger.

The reasons for plastic surgery among seniors

Today’s fashion diktats are no longer those of the past. Indeed, nowadays, a large number of people want to avoid aging and thus act to look younger.

Some seniors have facial wrinkles or sagging breasts and want to opt for a surgery to repair the effects of time such as breast lift or facelift.

They have a different approach to plastic surgery than those in their thirties or forties, being more and more active, they want to continue to look at their best. Their intimate life remains essential and they still want to seduce by feeling better about themselves.

Moreover, seniors are subject to opposing pressures: on the one hand, a society that wants them to work longer and on the other hand, a world that is looking for young and dynamic people. Turning to cosmetic surgery is one of the solutions found by some of them, and this is also true for couples. Divorces and separations are commonplace nowadays and this trauma leads to questioning one’s appearance, one’s look and one’s loss of youth.

Cosmetic surgery and seniors : targeted expectations

The majority of aesthetic procedures for seniors concern the face.

Nevertheless, among women, many procedures are still very popular :

Breast augmentation with implants to have more feminine breasts.

Liposuction to have a harmonious silhouette.

Cosmetic surgery plays an important role, it allows them to regain self-confidence and offers a renewal to people who are uncomfortable with their body. However, to be completely effective, it must be combined with a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and physical exercises.