If cosmetic surgery is far from being new, many young people want to have a more beautiful physical appearance by opting for plastic surgery. Probable explanation : the omnipresence of social networks.
More people under 35 than their elders undergo a plastic surgery to get a « perfect » face, « beautiful » buttocks, but especially an « Instagram » profile.
Because it is the major change of these last decades : the widespread use of social networks. Their influence on self-image is even greater, especially among young people.
Influencers are omnipresent in our daily lives
Before the widespread of social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok…, young people were influenced by models, actresses and actors or singers that we saw a few times a year, on the occasion of a movie, a TV show or in a magazine.
Today, the influencers who have replaced them are omnipresent in the lives of young people. They follow them all day long on their smartphones wherever they are.
Another element of aggravation of the influence of these instagrammers and other tiktokeurs : the filters that obsess young patients.
A pathological tendency ?
Does this mean that these young people have real problems ? This obviously depends on the case. But according to the psychiatrist, the only recourse to plastic surgery is not a pathology.
This does not exclude in some patients a dysmorphophobia or Body dysmorphic disorder, characterized by a « preoccupation with at least one perceived defect in physical appearance that is not apparent or appears slight to other people », defines the American Psychiatric Association. This preoccupation causes significant distress and deterioration of social life.
On the other hand, other emerging trends on social networks help to counteract these images of false perfection. Thus, the body positive and the fight against grossophobia aim at helping everyone to accept themselves as they are.