Nowadays, keeping our bodies young is very important as it allows us to feel good about ourselves.
And sport, of course, preserves the youth of the body by the maintenance and the solicitation of the muscles, thus avoiding the inconveniences related to age and other factors such as stress…
So, what types of sports activities should one practice to keep his body young?
They are essential to maintain legs and buttocks which lose tone rapidly with age, even though they are used daily to push, squat, pull and walk. The exercise is done according to your physical condition: once or twice a week, you do 10 or 15 squats. Then, increase the frequency and the number of squats.
To make sure you do them correctly without injuring yourself, make sure you respect the position: standing, legs apart by the width of your pelvis, arms stretched horizontally or both hands joined in front of you. Bend your legs, buttocks backwards, keeping your heels on the ground and without your knees going beyond the tip of your feet. Take one and a half minutes of break between each set.
Walking and swimming
There’s no need for technical exercises to keep fit. Preferring walking to transportation whenever you have the possibility as it allows you to have firm thighs while maintaining their elasticity.
Some researchers have even shown that an intense walk of 30 minutes per day is very effective. Swimming, on the other hand, has the great advantage of working the whole body, without any trauma to the joints.
Always adapt the activity to your physical condition. At the beginning, start with a 20 minute session, take a minute of break, then decrease gradually the rest time.
Stretching is essential to maintain a harmonious body, and fight against aging by evacuating the toxins released by the muscles. According to experts, the ideal is to stretch twice a week and hold the positions for 30 to 60 seconds. They also optimize the well-being by helping to sleep better and by relaxing your body after a day of work in a sitting position.
Working on balance
To avoid the risk of falling which is a daily occurrence for seniors, opt for simple exercises that improve balance. With your hands on your hips and balancing on your right leg, lift your left leg to the side, stretching the ball of your foot. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat, lifting the leg in front of you. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Then lift diagonally. Do six repetitions of all three movements and then move to the other leg.