You have just had a hair transplant and you want to know everything about the recovery period : how to take care of your grafts after the procedure ? the precautions to take after a hair transplant…
How to take care of your hair after a hair transplant?
Just after the procedure :
That’s it, your hair transplant is over! After the operation, scabs may appear in the area of the hair implantation. This is completely normal! Nevertheless, it is important to disinfect them to avoid the appearance of unsightly scars. On the day of the operation and the 2 days that follow, spray a saline solution every 30 minutes on your scalp or a disinfectant spray prescribed by your surgeon. Make it a habit to disinfect your hands before touching your head especially the implanted area.
The day after the hair transplant :
The day after your hair transplant, you can wash your scalp, but not in any way. Use a mild shampoo. You can also apply an isobetadine shampoo to disinfect the hair implantation areas.
When shampooing, avoid running the water for more than a minute over the implanted area and direct the shower stream directly onto your scalp. It is advisable to wash only the back of the head and wait a few days before shampooing the whole head. Squeeze your hair gently in a clean towel, without rubbing too much. Then let it air dry.
After shampooing, when the hair is completely dry, you can apply a healing cream to the donor area which is prescribed by your surgeon.
From the 4th postoperative day :
Begin to shampoo completely, always using a mild shampoo. Gently massage the scalp and wipe without rubbing. Let your hair dry naturally.
Activities and gestures to avoid after a hair transplant
After a hair transplant, it is essential to take a few precautions to promote the development of the grafts:
-Adopt the right position for sleeping so that the implanted area does not touch the pillow
-Avoid sun exposure
-Do not use a hair dryer
-Avoid coloring, styling sprays and other chemical-based hair products until one month after the hair transplant
-Hair transplants and swimming pools do not mix. Also avoid sauna and swimming for one month after the procedure.
-Do not play sports during the first 7 days
-If you must go out in the rain, use an umbrella for the first 7 days after the intervention.