Many women have opted for breast surgery, a breast reduction or a breast augmentation.
Once this operation is realized, you will have to wear a support bra to maintain your breasts.
What is a post-operative bra ?
It is a bra that is worn in the months following a breast operation. Whether it’s after a breast augmentation with implants, a mastectomy (necessary during a breast cancer screening), a breast reduction or any other operation concerning your breasts.
These bras are made with soft fabrics and materials that provide support during the healing process while making it a little more comfortable.
Why wearing a post-operative bra ?
A support bra has a triple action : compression, comfort and support after breast surgery.
These bras are real medical devices, it is not uncommon and it is often recommended that these bras are made to measure. The seams are external so as not to irritate and damage the skin, thus helping the scars to close. A post-surgical bra is made with a permanent concern for well-being, efficiency but also aesthetics. The materials are rigorously selected and different from classic bras.
Respecting the morphology of the breast for these bras is very important.
Benefits of wearing a support bra after your breast augmentation
Almost all plastic surgeons who perform breast augmentation or any other breast procedures ask their patients to wear a post-operative support bra during the first few weeks of recovery as it helps control swelling and water retention. Many patients find that they can wear comfortable clothing without the post-surgical bra being noticeable. Keeping the implants and tissues in place is essential for proper healing and promotes the desired aesthetic result.
Moreover, it provides the support you need throughout the recovery process.